
Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Day After

Yesterday was my "Lazy Day". It was rainy and dark and I just wanted to sleep all the livelong day. I laid in bed from 9am when I woke up until 1:20pm when I had to leave for work. What was I doing awake in bed you ask? Well I HAD to finish Pretty Little Liars: Season 2. It was a must, and like I said, it was a lazy day.

But the hardest part about having a lazy day was not getting up to go to work at 1:20 (although that was not easy), but it was waking up the next morning and forcing myself to complete some much needed tasks. I wanted to lay in bed and have another lazy day. I wanted to watch four hours worth of Pretty Little Liars again. I didn't want to shower, eat, even breathe. I wanted to lay in bed again and not enter the outside world. It is a scary place out there, and when you are living as a college student on your own, It is difficult to go anywhere by yourself. You have no one telling you when to do anything or be responsible. The only person you have to respond to is yourself. So truthfully, I could have just laid in bed all day and watched Pretty Little Liars: Season 3. I could have not entered the outside world. I could have entered the state of hibernation again. No one would have cared.

But what good would that do me?

If I had stayed in my room I never would have gone to Starbucks and read another chapter in my book. I never would have gone to some of Branson's thrift shops. I never would have gone to Walgreens and gotten some needed items. Beyond all of that, I never would have experienced new things in the world. I would have laid in bed and the only thing I would have learned some of the new dramas in Pretty Little Liars.

It Is Not Worth It.

I don't want to be the person who hides away from everything new and exciting. I want to enjoy the things that God has placed in my life.

So give people a chance. Go out and meet someone totally new. Get out of your comfort zone and do something great. Go Outside!

Don't make your whole life a "Lazy Life".

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