
Sunday, June 8, 2014

The Giver Of Life

"You are the giver of life; your light lets us enjoy life" 

--Psalm 36:9 

My dad was in a car accident Monday.

His truck was flipped across the highway 4 times.
It was completely crushed.
The cab was flat.
Its parts were scattered across miles of highway. 
Glass was everywhere. Including spread throughout his blood stained body. 

I answered my ringing phone Monday night to my worried sister who lives near 2,000 miles away. She told me everything. She explained all the information that she knew at the time about what had happened. She knew that he was in the hospital, conscious, and with my mother who had been at his side since the moment she received the call from the EMT's. After she told me these things she said two simple words- "Please, Pray". 

I remember nothing from the time we hung up to the time my knees hit the floor. Tears dripped off my face and onto the carpet while I begged God to save my dad's life. I reminded God (as if he didn't already know) of the eight children and the wife that would be devastated if he took this life. I begged and pleaded with God. Though I was in a dorm room with people living in such close quarters, my surroundings didn't even cross my mind. 

Throughout the night, my siblings and I kept in contact with each other about what was going on. We knew that he was o.k. and the fact that he lives is a miracle. 

A Miracle. 

Those are the words I keep seeing everywhere in relation to the accident. People from church, facebook friends, texts from close friends and relatives all keep using those words. A Miracle. 

I prayed a simple prayer this morning. It went like this-- "God... I thank you. I thank you because you are the giver of life." 

 I have never truly thought about the meaning of those words. God is the Giver of Life. He gives life to all. He is the only one in whom life endures. He holds life in his hands. He is the maker of life. He is the sustainer of life. He is the very example of life. His life goes on and on and never ends. His life has no beginning. His life has no limits. 

So thanking God for saving my dad seems so simple. So raw. 

Because that is what it is. Raw. Simple. God holds the power to protect one life in his very hands, and he chose to save this one man. 

Prayer is beautiful. It is a raw and simple tool of communication we use to absorb the presence of a holy God. When there is no other options but to trust God's hand in the situation, we can experience something amazing. We experience God's power. And that is all I ever want. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Jesus, School and Stuff


So It has been a while since my last blog was updated. So sorry! I'm sure all my raving fans were heartbroken over the lack of posts I have put on here. :) Just kidding! 

So, my first and second semester have been full of excitement, work, homework, trips, and just all around busy schedules. I can honestly say that this is one of the greatest times of my life. I have had all kinds of ups and downs. I have learned so many lessons about life and who I am as a Christian Woman. I have grown in my faith. I have gained friendships that I never would have expected. I have gotten closer to my family. God has revealed himself to me throughout scripture again and again. I have cried tears of joy, and tears of hurt. I have ridden horses, eaten more Ramen then ever before, and laughed until 2 am with my friends. I have made bad choices and I have made good decisions. I have changed my major, swooned over baseball boys, walked a mile to McDonald's because we didn't have the money for gas. This list doesn't even come close to telling sharing my year with you. There are so many more things that I could tell you about. There are so many stories that I will forever hold close to my heart. College is an adventure that will take you places you never dreamed you would go. 

I really love this verse because no matter where I am in my walk in life, I have been called to "go" for Christ. I am "sent" to share the Good News. Oh how freeing it is to know that God, knowing my strengths and weaknesses accepts me as I am, and has called me to go for him. 

I just wanted to share that encouraging word along. :) And as a college student who questions her purpose in life daily, I am thankful to have a God who reveals these things to me.