
Friday, July 12, 2013

End of Week 7

It's finally hit the home stretch of the summer work program at CofO (The college I attend). I feel as though I have learned more about myself in the seven weeks I have been moved out then I have ever known. Its amazing how much you learn when you have to actually make decisions and Mommy and Daddy aren't there to fix everything. I am surprised to learn some of these things too. I guess mostly because I never thought that I was actually this type of person. I'm a list-maker, so I guess I should list some of these things out.

1. I am a list-maker. I knew I loved making lists, but I didn't realize how much I truly RELY on lists. Grocery lists, lists of things I plan to get done today, lists of the word hello in different languages of people I have met here at college and want to impress with my knowledge, lists of things I should pray about, lists of the things I have learned, and the list could go on forever.

2. I am a small town girl at heart. I grew up in big city, but spent the last three years in a very small town. This being said, I never felt like big city was home. My little town is full of people who love and care about me and my family. I wouldn't trade that for malls, movie theaters, or even a wal-mart. I love my little town and the people in it. I see myself living in small town after college. I just see it. Not like Haley Joel Osment saw dead people, but more like Martin Luther King Jr. saw his dream. Got me??

3. I'm pretty outspoken. Like, I know what I believe and that's that. But I LOVE LOVE LOVE hearing other peoples opinions. Even when they differ from mine. I just love learning why people believe what they believe. It just interests me.

4. Apparently I look like a Science teacher... Well, jokes on you because I plan on becoming a science teacher! Ha!

5. I miss sharing a room with my siblings! Sharing a room with another random girl is so not easy!

6. I can grill a mean steak. Just saying.

There are so many more things I could list, but it is almost 1:00 and I am exhausted from a long day at work. So here's to a great week, and to a great start to a blog!

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